What’s New in Formaloo: April 2022

Each month, we like to showcase some of the new features we’re adding to Formaloo to make our platform more accessible, more intuitive, and more powerful. Let’s head on to this month’s what’s new in Formaloo. This month too, we’ve got three improvements to share. Read on—or watch this two-minute for the breakdown.


Each month, we like to showcase some of the new features we’re adding to Formaloo to make our platform more accessible, more intuitive, and more powerful. Let’s head on to this month’s what’s new in Formaloo.

This month too, we’ve got three improvements to share. Read on—or watch this two-minute for the breakdown.

Web App Builder

You can now collect data, organize it with your team, and understand it; all in a single workspace!

Formaloo web app builder lets you mix and match forms, links, charts, and tables. And many more data views are coming up!

Be creative with your data, build customizable live presentation slides, and build tools that grow with your business and help your business grow as well! Stay tuned for more exciting updates on Formaloo’s web app builder!

Formaloo web app builder

New Response Editor

The new response editor helps you edit responses much more smoothly. It shows the response on a floating tab so you can edit and save it right away!

Table View Improvements

The improvements on the table view give you the option to filter and sort the responses, tag each submission, and hide the columns you don’t want there.

Custom Validation Field (RegEx)

The custom validation or RegEx field helps you validate the input your audience submits on your forms.

This way, you can collect unified data. For example, instead of collecting a hundred variations of phone numbers, you restrict your audience to insert a standard value.

This tutorial shows you how you can benefit from this field.

File Upload Field Upgrade

We upgraded the file upload field to support up to 100 MB of files with much better speed.

Email Forwarder Option

We added the Email forwarder option to the forms so that all your team members get notified when a new submission comes up.

Email forwarder

Tip of the month: How to build an online polling tool – step by step

You can build an online polling tool to find the best time to meet. Formaloo gives you the power of live polls so you can see the changes on a shared public page live.

Formaloo gives you the flexibility to schedule all your meetings, regardless of how many people attend. You can create a poll with the following guide, add your potential time options, and send it out to your guests to find the best time for a meeting.

That’s it for this month. As always, thanks for reading along. We’ll be back next month with even more new features to help you get the most out of your forms. Until then, happy Formaloo-ing!

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What’s New in Formaloo: April 2022