Startup 101: A full-fledged mobile app created by the Formaloo platform with no code!
For a long time, I wanted to develop an educational app for young entrepreneurs, startup...

For a long time, I wanted to develop an educational app for young entrepreneurs, startup founders, and startup teams, to help them especially at the start of their journey. This app is curated for entrepreneurs who are looking to start a company as well as those in the process of building one.
My vision for Startup 101 was clear, what I looked at in my app was these:
By Farokh Shahabi, Creator of Startup 101 App
- I wanted to create multimedia lessons, texts, images, videos, slides, everything
- I wanted to be able to create a new lesson in less than 5 minutes (I’m busy!)
- I wanted to be able to create new lessons and update my app via mobile mobile phone, on the go
- I wanted to be able to add new lessons and updating my app without forcing my audience to update my app (Automatic updates)
- I wanted to be able to creat quizzes for my audince, both inside the lessons and as stand-alone quizzes
- I wanted to provide answe-sheets and instructions for my quizzes as well
- I wanted to br able to categorize my lessons and make it easy to follow
- I wanted to invite my coleagues to create addiotional lessons and collaborate with me
- Maybe the most important one: I wanted for it to be interactive and BEAUTIFUL AS FU**!
- And I wanted all of these, withought writing any code.
Developing and designing a stunning mobile application that provides all of the above, is hard work and to be honest, really expensive. So I decided to do this with a no-code platform. Fortunately, Formaloo no-code app builder, made all of my dreams possible!
I created the first version of my app with 7 lessons (flashcards) in just 28 minutes! From nothing to a content-ready, full-fledge APK file, ready to be uploaded in Google Play is truly amazing.
And no, it’s not just a “Webview” on your mobile phones, it’s a fully native mobile application with amazing speed, design, and great infrastructure.

After that, without the need to worry about the design or development, I 100% focused on curating new content that benefits my audience, the startup enthusiasts! If you’re one, download Startup 101 right now:
Download Startup 101 – Google Play
We plan to update this app monthly and add a lot of awesome features to it ourselves, like a chat system between the community of the founders, a matchmaking feature to help you connect to new founders, and much more. Thankfully because the app is written natively for mobile applications and works both with Formaloo SDK & API, we’re able to add any third-party service that we want in the future or even develop it further ourselves.
And here is something a little extraordinary! If you want, Formaloo gives you a simpler web version as well! So you can test it or send it to your audience without having them download an app. It doesn’t provide the experience or integrity of a mobile application, but it works perfectly.
How we created a mobile application with Formaloo?
Now, a little bit on what you need before you can create your app with Formaloo. You need literally nothing to start! After signing up, just click on “create a new formaloo” and then add your content piece by piece.
You can add your content in any format that you have, you can add texts, images, or even import your videos from Youtube. There is no limit on how many lessons you can create or how many flashcards every lesson can have.
You can add as many questions as you want just the same as your flashcards. You can re-order it just like customizing your forms. You also have a lot of customization options that you can choose from.
For us, it was very important that we can build our own brand and grow it. So customizing it based on our logo, colors and fonts was a MUST.
You can also watch this tutorial video on how to create a new formaloo:
What exactly can Formaloo App Builder do to create educational apps?
Formaloo enables you to create a full-fledged educational app like Startup 101 for your organization, university, or even your classroom.
Here are some of the features that you can enjoy with Formaloo:
- Auto-update feature: Add/edit/remove lessons without the need to update the app!
- Unlimited Contents: Add unlimited lessons, flashcards & presentation
- Interactive Quiz Maker: Create & Embed live quizzes for your audience
- Categories & folders: Easily organize your contents in different ways
- Access Management: Add your co-workers and manage their access
You can also create your own mobile application in just a few minutes without any code. To start, just schedule a free consultation meeting with us so we can help you publish your own applications in no time.
If you have any questions, check out Formaloo’s support page to find ways you can contact us.
Visit our YouTube channel for more helpful tutorials and resources.