How to improve your hiring processes with personality tests

A typical interview might not be sufficient if you want to learn more about your prospective job seekers.


A typical interview might not be sufficient if you want to learn more about your prospective job seekers.

Fortunately, pre-employment personality tests allow you to learn more about a candidate’s motives and communication preferences. Include these tests in your hiring process to find the best candidate for your team and make informed decisions.

You will find everything you need in this post to include personality testing in the hiring process.

What is a personality test for recruitment?

Simply described, a personality test is a tool for measuring and identifying a person’s personality qualities.

A great way to learn more about a candidate’s behavior, interpersonal abilities, and working style is to do a personality evaluation.

The goal is to determine whether or not their personality complements the job needs and corporate culture.

Candidates rate their agreement or disagreement with statements or questions in these exams. Key personality qualities like openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability are identified by the answers.

Custom personality test

These traits help employers predict how a candidate will handle work situations, collaborate with others, and fit into the company culture.

These traits are important for employers to determine a candidate’s suitability for the job. They provide insights into how well a candidate can handle various work scenarios. These traits also indicate whether a candidate can effectively work in a team and contribute positively to the company culture.

Benefits of personality test

Employers can use personality tests to determine how well a potential employee will fit within the organization.

If a candidate is suitable, they will likely stay longer, saving the effort and resources needed to hire someone new.

Here are some of the benefits personality tests can bring to your hiring process:

Engaging lead hires and getting their contact info

Adding personality tests to the hiring process helps attract potential candidates and facilitates communication with them.

Companies use personality tests in applications to engage and interest candidates. It’s a way to get them excited about participating.

It’s a much more fun and interactive experience than filling out a long and boring application form. It can help make the whole process more enjoyable for everyone involved.

Segmenting candidates and employees

It’s crucial to consider each person’s special features and traits while choosing the best candidate for a position.

Personality tests can help with that. These assessments help in understanding a person’s communication style, personality, and preferred working conditions.

You can better match an applicant with the position by segmenting them into different categories.

Employees are therefore more likely to excel in their positions and experience happiness and fulfillment at work.

It gives you better hiring decisions

In the end, you can hire more effectively because you are more familiar with the individual. On a professional level, you examine someone’s personality to determine how they behave and think on an interpersonal and intrapersonal level.

This will show whether they are a good fit for the business. Both outcomes are possible: if they suit the company culture and if they can improve the existing culture.

Stronger team dynamics, increased employee motivation, higher satisfaction, and improved retention rate would result from employees working harder and faster.

Additionally, because you’ll probably interview fewer applicants this way, the time to fill will be reduced. Based on this screening, you’ll be able to eliminate those who are the wrong fit.

It’s an indication of future career success

Personality tests can be really helpful when it comes to understanding how someone works best. They can help show if a person is good at working with others, handling different tasks, and solving problems.

Being responsible, flexible, and having strong leadership skills can help people succeed in their jobs and advance in their careers.

Employers can use tests to make better hiring decisions, resulting in happier employees, improved teamwork, and overall better outcomes.

Learn more about how to create a personality test in a few steps.

What can personality tests tell about candidates?

  • Work Style: Personality assessments indicate candidates’ preferred working styles. It shows whether they do best in organized surroundings or are more adaptive and creative.
  • Communication Skills: These tests reveal candidates’ modes of expression, degree of assertiveness or diplomatic agility, and degree of interpersonal cooperation. For team cohesion and client communications, this information is essential.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Personality quizzes measure a candidate’s capacity to understand and control emotions. That affects their interpersonal relationships, capacity for resolving conflicts, and leadership potential.
  • Problem-Solving Approach: This provides insights into the candidates’ problem-solving techniques. It reveals if they are analytical thinkers, imaginative problem-solvers, or systematic decision-makers.
  • Job Motivation: Personality tests reveal the motivations of job candidates. These motivations include challenges, teamwork, personal growth, and more. These motivations have an impact on the level of engagement and satisfaction that candidates experience in their work.

How to make a personality test for hiring

Here are some important practices to keep in mind when implementing personality tests in your hiring process:

1- Choose the right personality test for the job

To predict an employee’s success, their personality, company culture, and job requirements must align.

Pinpointing essential values and behavior patterns aids in selecting the most fitting personality assessment:

  1. Examine key personality traits within the team context.
  2. Outline required soft skills that improve overall team dynamics.
  3. Identify specific skills, such as comfort with ambiguity or a test-and-learn attitude, for all team members.
  4. Craft an ideal candidate’s personality profile to serve as a guideline.

Using Formaloo, you can create a free personality test that matches your needs. Check our ready-to-use templates and customize them.

2- Define the test timing

Choosing the right time ensures candidates are in a good mindset and the results truly reflect their qualities.

Giving the test too early can confuse applicants. They may still be learning about the company and its role. This confusion can lead to inaccurate results. Delaying the exam could cause bias as candidates try to meet preconceived expectations.

A balance is achieved by incorporating the test following an initial interview process but before to final selections. Candidates may now react more truthfully because they have a better understanding of the position and the company.

3- Inform the candidates

Ensuring candidates are informed about the personality test is crucial for a successful hiring process. With Formaloo’s features, communication is effortless and effective.

You can send personalized emails with clear instructions and their name to show them we value their candidacy. Also, you can contact them through their preferred mode of communication, be it email or SMS.

Using Formaloo, hiring teams can ensure candidates receive clear instructions, timely reminders, and personalized support throughout the personality test phase.

4- Analyze the personality tests

Once the test has been given and taken, it’s time to interpret the results, of course.

Formaloo makes analyzing personality types for hiring easy. It generates instant, comprehensive reports and offers data visualization tools for easy decision-making. Customizable scoring ensures the results align with role requirements for informed decision-making.

5- Make a decision

This step helps to compare the information against job requirements, taking into account essential and desirable traits for the specific role. The assessment evaluates the candidate’s cultural fit with the company culture, diversity, and overall profile. It takes into account interviews, references, and skills assessments.

The main goal is to balance strengths and weaknesses, matching individual attributes with the role’s demands.

Make personality tests a step of your hiring process

Have you noticed how companies use personality tests more often when they’re hiring? When evaluating someone for a job, it is useful to consider their skills, experience, work style, and interpersonal abilities. This assessment helps in determining if they are suitable for the position.

If you’re interested in creating personality quizzes for hiring, check out Formaloo. We’ve got some great tips and tricks on their YouTube channel too.

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How to improve your hiring processes with personality tests