NPS Survey Software

Measure & improve customer loyalty with our NPS® software

Get the actionable feedback you need to turn happy customers into brand advocates. Build high-impact NPS surveys in minutes with Formaloo.

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Start with a template

Get started with our library of form templates and save time and effort on creating powerful NPS surveys that capture attention and deliver results.
Explore the templates

The brands love Formaloo forms

Formaloo is loved by fortune 500 companies, and many more.

Turn customers into promoters
with powerful NPS® surveys

Craft powerful NPS surveys to gather valuable customer insights and understand their needs. Foster lasting relationships by turning happy customers into brand advocates.

Effortless NPS® scoring across all channels

Ditch the spreadsheets! Formaloo calculates your NPS score automatically as responses pour in. Seamlessly share your surveys across all channels, and embed them directly on your website or app for effortless customer feedback collection.
Reach every customer, wherever they are.

Real-time insights with AI-powered dashboards

Dive deeper than just a score. Formaloo's AI analyzes open-ended responses, uncovering the "why" behind customer sentiment. Track your NPS score and key metrics in real-time with dynamic dashboards.  Control access to your data with granular user permissions, ensuring the right people have the information they need.

Targeted outreach with segmentation & automation

Craft hyper-personalized outreach. Create custom audience groups based on demographics, behavior, or survey responses for targeted campaigns. Trigger automated email notifications based on responses to engage with your customers at the right time, with the right message.

Create powerful NPS® surveys.
Build lasting customer loyalty.

Collect valuable feedback, analyze it for insights, and take action to build lasting customer loyalty -  no coding required.

30+ question types

Go beyond the standard NPS question. Use a variety of question formats like multiple choice, open-ended, and Likert scale to gather rich qualitative and quantitative data.

Real-time results

Formaloo automatically calculates your NPS score as responses come in. Gain a deeper understanding of customer satisfaction through insightful data visualizations.

AI-powered analysis

Use Formaloo AI analytics block to analyze open-ended responses and uncover deeper customer emotions, needs, and areas for improvement.

Email notifications

Trigger automated follow-up emails based on response data to engage with customers at the right time. With custom email templates, you can tailor your communication to resonate with different customer segments.

Access management

Control access to your NPS data with user permission settings, ensuring information security and compliance. Define unique user roles with specific permissions for viewing, editing, and managing access.

Branching logic

Create dynamic NPS surveys that adapt to individual responses. Ask follow-up questions or tailor the survey experience based on the initial NPS score or other answer choices.

Integrate with your favorite tools or apps

Connect Formaloo to 5,000+ tools like Google, Slack, and more.

The secrets to better NPS® score?

Templates and Resources that help you organize & use your data
See all
The ultimate guide to Net Promoter Score (NPS®)
Imagine a world where your customers are your biggest fans, enthusiastically recommending you to everyone they know. That’s the power of Net Promoter Score (NPS). This guide is your roadmap to achieving it.
Read article
How to create an NPS® survey
Happy customers become brand advocates, driving growth through positive word-of-mouth and repeat purchases.
But how do you accurately gauge customer sentiment?
Read article
How to calculate your Net Promoter Score (NPS®)
The Net Promoter Score helps businesses measure customer loyalty. It’s an easy way to understand your customers and measure how satisfied they are with your products or services.
Read article

Questions & answers

Read the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our survey software

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS®)?

NPS® is a customer loyalty metric that measures the likelihood of your customers recommending your brand to others. It's based on a single core question: "How likely are you to recommend [Your Company] to a friend or colleague?"

Customers respond on a scale of 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely). Based on their responses, customers are categorized into Promoters (score 9-10), Passives (score 7-8), and Detractors (score 0-6). Your NPS® score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

Does Formaloo offer any templates to get me started?

Absolutely! Formaloo provides a library of pre-built templates for common use cases, allowing you to kick-start your form creation process quickly and easily.

Can I customize the look and feel of my forms to match my brand?

Yes! Formaloo offers extensive customization options. You can choose from pre-designed themes, apply your brand colors and fonts, and upload your logo to create surveys that reflect your unique brand identity.

You can also add your own domain name and create custom email notifications with your custom SMTP. It's fully customizable!

Why is NPS® important?

NPS® provides a simple and actionable way to measure customer loyalty. It helps you understand how satisfied your customers are and identify areas for improvement.  By focusing on turning Passives into Promoters and addressing the concerns of Detractors, you can improve customer loyalty and drive business growth.

Does Formaloo offer conditional logic?

Yes, Formaloo's powerful conditional logic feature allows you to create dynamic forms that change based on user responses. This can improve the user experience and ensure you collect the most relevant data.

How can Formaloo's NPS® software help?

Formaloo's NPS® software simplifies the entire NPS® process. You can easily create professional NPS® surveys with our drag-and-drop interface, distribute them via multiple channels, and gather valuable customer feedback. Our software also automates NPS® scoring, delivers real-time insights with AI-powered analysis, and helps you segment your audience for targeted outreach.

How can I share my survey?

Share your forms easily through various channels! Embed them on your website as Script, iFrame or chatbot, share links via social media, or distribute them via email.

How can I access and analyze the data collected through my surveys?

Formaloo provides powerful reporting tools. You can create custom dashboards with drag-and-drop data blocks like tables, charts, galleries, and Kanban boards to visualize key metrics and gain valuable insights from your data.

Can I control who can access my surveys and the data they collect?

Yes, Formaloo allows you to set access permissions for your forms. You can choose who can view, submit, and edit your forms.

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Sounds fantastic, right?

Build powerful NPS surveys in minutes