How to connect your formaloo to Slack

Learn how to seamlessly connect Formaloo with Slack to streamline your workflow and receive real-time notifications. Follow our step-by-step guide to integrate these powerful tools effortlessly.


Do you want to ensure all your team members get notified when someone submits your form? With the Slack integration, you can connect your formaloo to Slack and get notified as a response comes up!

In this tutorial, we’ll show how you can integrate your formaloo with a channel on your Slack so that everyone in the team gets notified when someone submits the form.

It’s a perfect solution for the internal apps you build on Formaloo and the external forms your customers fill out and submit. So let’s see how it

1. Install Slack app in your dashboard

As the first step, in your Formaloo dashboard, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner. Then go to the "App store" where you can find all the integrations.

Search for "Slack" or find it in the "Messenger" menu.

Once you open Slack in the app store, you can install it to start creating your integration.

2. Add a new integration

Now you can add a new integration between Slack and Formaloo.

First, select a base to choose the Formaloo form or database you want to connect. Then, select the Slack channel where you want to receive notifications.

If the desired Slack channel isn't listed, click on the "Add New Access" button. This will redirect you to authorize FormalooBot to access your Slack workspace.

3. Give access to Formaloo

Now you should give access to FormalooBot so it can post in your Slack channel. If you haven’t logged in to your Slack, you’ll need to log in first.

Then choose the Workspace you want to connect. After that, you can select which channel FormalooBot can post in.

3. Connect your formaloo to your Slack channel

When you take the above steps and click on the “Allow” button, you’ll be redirected back to the Formaloo dashboard and to your formaloo’s integrations tab.

Then click the “Connect to Slack” button again and choose the connected channel from the dropdown list. You can also select multiple authorized channels, so FormalooBot posts to all of them as soon as a new submission comes up.

Final thoughts

It’s that simple! Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. Let us know your questions, and remember to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates on the product. Also, follow us on Youtube to get the latest tutorials on your page.

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How to connect your formaloo to Slack