How to create a membership portal without code

Imagine becoming part of a group of people that have similar interests, aspirations, and passions for development, a location where you can access exclusive content, communicate with experts, and get specialized assistance anytime you need it. That is the membership portals’ strength.


Membership portals are a gateway for connecting with and establishing relationships with your audience rather than just another online platform. They provide a special business strategy that enables you to benefit your subscribers while generating recurrent income.

A membership portal can be the key to unlocking your potential and propelling your business to the next level, regardless of whether you’re a coach, consultant, creative, or business owner.

Building a membership site has never been simpler thanks to the emergence of no-code technologies. To establish a polished and interesting platform, you don’t need to be a technology expert or have a large budget.

All you require is a focused vision, a well-thought-out plan, and a strong foundation that can support your objectives.

This article will address the advantages of membership portals and how to simply build one with Formaloo.

What is a membership portal?

Community or organization members can access unique resources, material, and benefits through a secure online platform called a membership portal. It offers an online hub where members can interact, obtain information, and take part in occasions or activities associated with the organization.

Various organizations, including professional associations, trade groups, clubs, and non-profits, can use membership portals. To make sure that only members can access the content and resources, they often require a login and password.

Create portals with no code

Member directories, discussion forums, event calendars, job boards, and online training courses are among the features that membership portals typically offer. In addition, they could provide tools for measuring member engagement and involvement, handling fees and renewals, and getting member feedback.

It sounds like a daunting task, but with Formaloo you can create all of these in one place.

Three examples of membership sites you can create

Businesses may increase member engagement, client retention, and employee satisfaction by using the benefits of membership portals.

You can accomplish anything with Formaloo custom portals. With the use of this tool, you’ll want to provide more for your customers, whether by sharing content or conducting surveys or polls to better connect with them.

Employee Portal

An HR employee portal is a membership site made for companies to communicate with and engage their employees on human resources-related issues.

The site provides employees access to services and information about their jobs, including business policies, benefit details, pay slips, and training materials.

The site may also include resources for submitting time-off requests, managing benefit enrollment, and contacting HR. HR employee portals can also be used to distribute vital company information, collect feedback, and keep track of employee performance.

Businesses may increase employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention by enhancing communication and teamwork with their employees. Employee portals for HR departments can also speed up procedures and reduce administrative burdens, freeing up HR staff members’ time for other duties.

You can create employee engagement surveys, employee management app, or an online bulletin board and turn it into a portal with a few steps using Formaloo.

Client Portal

A client portal is a great solution to cooperate and communicate with customers on a safe and controlled platform. Clients can access information and materials about their accounts through the portal, including documentation, project updates, and invoicing details.

The membership site might also have tools for setting up appointments, sharing files and communications, and tracking milestones.

Client portals can be used to provide customer service, streamline billing and invoicing procedures, and solicit feedback from clients.

Businesses can strengthen communication and collaboration with their customers by employing a client portal, which will promote customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

e-Learning Portal

On an e-learning portal, students can access a variety of educational resources and services. It offers peer and instructor engagement, online homework and exam completion, and access to educational materials.

Learn more about how to create a custom e-learning app with Formaloo.

Modules or sections of course material like courses, videos, quizzes, assignments, and readings may be included in the portal. Through messaging services or online discussion forums, students may be able to keep track of their progress, get feedback on their work, and communicate with their teachers and fellow students.

E-learning portals can be used for a variety of educational purposes, such as the delivery of formal academic courses, opportunities for lifelong learning, and professional development and training. Students all around the world can access them from any place, which makes education more convenient for them.

We only covered the most common portal types in this overview. There are, however, portals that address more particular requirements for connecting with your audience, whether they are your customers, partners, or employees.

You can build any kind of membership portal with Formaloo. Add quizzes, surveys, and various content. Create a community on your site quickly and according to your requirements.

Build your own membership portal with Formaloo

With Formaloo, you can design forms, quizzes, and polls and customize them for your business requirements. Build custom CRMs and apps to organize your data in reports, advanced charts, and Kanban boards.

Formaloo is highly customizable. Besides the design of your forms and apps, you can customize the email notifications and the domain to make everything white-labeled.

You can turn your custom apps and CRMs into membership portals with a few clicks. Simply, add a login/signup function and integrate your favorite payment gateway if you want to collect fees from your users.

Build an open community and groups for your employees, customers, or partners. Share content, simplify communication, and improve collaboration among these groups.
You can also limit the access and make your portal subscription based.

How to create a membership portal with Formaloo: Step-by-step guide

You can turn any app created with Formaloo into a membership portal. In this article, we will go through all the steps you need to create a school management portal.

School management is an app that collects and stores students’ data, organizes it in tables and understands what’s happening with their grades and attendance. You can customize it to your needs, add quizzes and share them with students and give access to certain teachers.

1- Create your school management app

Sign-up for free to get started. On your dashboard, you can pick from our 200+ templates or create a new form or app from scratch.

In our guide, we will select the School management system template and customize it.

You can “Edit the app” to make it your own. Add more pages and menus as needed. You can add tables and charts to have an overview of your data collected. The Kanban board option is great to track the students’ enrolments as you can drag the cards through the workflow.

Customize the look and feel of your app to match your brand. Add logos, colors, and even a custom domain.

To add a page, click on “+Add new” on the top of your editor and then add a " Menu  or a "page” to the left menu.


The school management app can have different access levels to share only relevant data with each team member.

You can also add quizzes and share them with the students. Get real-time reports of your student’s grades and make more informed decisions. Your students won’t see the results as they are admin-only, which means that only members with access can view them.

2- Turn your school management app into a membership portal

It is so simple to turn your app into a membership-only portal. All you have to do is to add a login/sign-up option.

To do so, open your “ Settings” and enable the “Portal Mode ” option.

Once you enable portal mode, a new “User portal” option is automatically added to your app.

To make your community public, you can enable the “Public view“. This way, your portal is not only for your team members, but you can share it with different users publicly.

3- Manage your users

It’s time to make your users’ table right now. Click the “New Table” link on the “Users” page. If you’ve already developed user tables, they will be available for selection here rather than having to be created from scratch.

From the “User portal” settings, enable the desired options such as “Captcha“, “Allow users to login via OTP“, and “Allow new users to sign up.

The users of the table you select can use the same login credentials to access your app. This enables you to make a straightforward single-sign-on (SSO) table for your portal and apply the same login and registration table to several no-code apps.

To edit the users’ table, go to the “User portal” page of your app and click the “Edit Base” button above the table.

To manage different access levels, you can add roles to your user portal form and then, set the access for teachers and students on specific pages.

First, go to the user portal and click on "Edit Base". Then add roles to your form.

For example, in this template, you can add "Teacher" and "Student" roles:

Now, go back to your app editor, and set the access for each page:

4- Share your membership site with your users

Users may get your app and access the pages they have access to when you give them the public link. Additionally, you can manually add people by accessing the app from your dashboard and clicking the “New row” button above the table of your users on the people page.

To share your app, click on the "Share" button on your editor and copy the link from the open page:

The Power of membership portals: Building stronger relationships with your community

For organizations wishing to strengthen their relationships with their members, membership portals are a very useful tool. Membership portals can help your business improve member retention, develop a sense of community, and deliver greater value to your members by giving them a single hub where they can access unique information.

So, if you haven’t already, think about learning more about membership portals and all the advantages they may provide for your business and your members.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to ask them in our website chat. Subscribe to our Youtube channel for more useful content.

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How to create a membership portal without code